boost your SEO

How to use an expired domain name to boost your SEO?


Metric developed by Majestic SEO (a platform specializing in the analysis of backlinks), the Trust Flow measures the credibility and reliability of a website. A high score indicates that the NDD is trustworthy and an auhority in its field.

A very positive point for your natural referencing since it means that it is likely to benefit from a better ranking in the search results.

On the other hand, if it has a low Trust Flow, it may indicate that it has hosted low-quality or over-optimized content.

In this case, even if you intend to publish high quality articles, you are leaving with a thorn in your side! It can be more difficult to gain places in search engines.

The Quote Flow

Also created by the Majestic SEO tool, the Citation Flow assesses the popularity of a website by looking at the volume of inbound links. This indicator simply counts the number of links pointing to the domain name, regardless of their quality. Unlike Trust Flow, it is not an index of trust or authority.

Citation Flow is a relevant metric if you are looking for visibility rather than credibility. In this case, you can choose an NDD with a low Trust Flow score and a high Citation Flow index.

If you want to buy an expired domain name of high authority, favor the measurement of Trust Flow. Of course, the ideal remains to find an address that has high scores for each of its indicators!

The Referring Domain

The Referring Domain refers to the number of unique domains that point to a given website.

Why check this point before buying an expired domain name ? Because “Referring Domains” give clues to the quality and reliability of a website.

If important, trustworthy domains point to your URL, then you will take advantage of their authority. This will necessarily be beneficial for your SEO!

However, if the NDD has a low volume of referring domains, this is not a negative. Perhaps the domain remained active for a short time or its owner never took the time to develop its netlinking.

The quality of backlinks from the expired domain

You know the adage “quality before quantity!” “. Backlinks from an expired domain name can be a huge source of value for your SEO. However, it is essential to check their quality to:

Avoid Google Penalties: Inbound links from dubious or low-quality sites can result in penalties from search engines. If you buy NDD associated with scam or unreliable sites, it can hurt your SEO.

Maximize the value of the domain name: the more backlinks come from high authority sites, the more important the value of the NDD is in the eyes of Google (and others).

Avoid Spam Risks : Spam-generating inbound links pose security risks to your website and can cause damage to your online reputation, Trust Flow, and of course, your SEO.

How to know the history of an expired domain name?

There are several ways to know the history of an expired domain name :

Use domain history search tools such as Wayback Machine , DomainTools , or Whoisology . You will have interesting information such as the IPs of the previous owners, the old URLs, a site map, the various changes that have taken place on the site, etc.

Use domain tracking tools like SEMrush , Ahrefs , Majestic SEO , or Moz . They can also analyze expired domain names.

Contact the domain name registry that manages the expired URL’s Top Level Domain (TLD) to obtain information about its history.

Carry out research on the Internet to see if there is public information on the history of the domain name (press articles, mentions on social networks, comments on forums, publication on a blog, etc.).

How to redeem an expired domain name?

The easiest and fastest way to find an expired domain name is to go to a specialized marketplace. Multiple platforms list abandoned URLs, available for redemption.

Some NDDs are sold at a fixed price while others are offered at auction. As on eBay, you will need to be agile and quick to bid and win the domain name you want! Which brings us to the next point…

Bid on an expired domain name

After choosing your auction platform, it’s time to browse expired domain names to find the one that will meet your SEO needs!

Depending on the marketplaces, you will have the possibility to filter your search by keyword or sector of activity. Each site also lists the important metrics related to NDD: Trust Flow, years of seniority, number of referring domains, Citation Flow, etc.

You can therefore classify the pre-selected URLs according to these indicators and thus make your choice. As soon as you have found your ideal domain name, watch the auctions!

You can submit a bid right away or give yourself a reminder to bid at the last moment. This technique maximizes your chances of winning the NDD of your dreams.

However, don’t get carried away by this competitive and exhilarating process. If the domain name is highly sought after, it may sell for a very high price. Set yourself a budget not to exceed and, if possible, choose several NDD to be sure to acquire at least one.